DTE Code :5008
MSBTE Code :0018/1567

Government Polytechnic, Jalgaon

शासकीय तंत्रनिकेतन, जळगांव

(An Institute of Government Of Maharashtra)
Since 1960

About Institute

Government Polytechnic,Jalgaon is established in the year 1960. The institute is governed by Government of Maharashtra and approved by All India Council for Technical Education and Pharmacy Council of India to offer technical level Diploma and Post Diploma programmes in engineering , technology and pharmacy as per The norms of Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai.
The campus is spread over a land of 52 acres , Under World Bank Assisted Project implemented during 1992-97, infrastructure facilities have been enhanced and High-Tech equipment are procured.
The institute offers need based continuing education programmes , testing and consultancy services to business and industry besides services to community throughTechnology transfer.

Organizational Structure


Administrative Staff
Achievements In Institute
  • Maintenance grant under Face lifting proposal - @ 9.5 Cr.
  • CET Cell centre of 100 computers which is useful for our Institute as Computer centre except CET TEST PERIOD.
  • MSBTE Sponsored modernized laboratory with 42 Computer setup for Institute.
  • Solar plant of 100 kWa capacity setup by MEDA
  • ISTE Narsee Monjee Award for best faculty development - 1994
  • AICTE Grant for -

    Modernisation of Computer laboratory
    Modernisation of CNC laboratory
    Entrepreneurship Management & Development Center

  • Institute Information
    Institute Code 5008
    Institute Name Government Polytechnic, Jalgaon
    Staff Quarters Information
    Staff Quarters Information (06+03+01+01) Total 11
    No. of staff Occupied in Quarters 10
    Hostel Information
    Sr. No. Boys Hostel Girls Hostel
    1 First Year 126 First Year 126
    2 Second Year 87 Second Year 58
    3 Third Year 87 Third Year 58
    Total 300 242
    Projects/Programs Undertaken
    Program Name Details
    Nodal Centre of IIRS, ISRO

    Indian institute of Remote Sensing, ISRO, Dehradun has selected Department of Electronics and Telecommunication of Government Polytechnic Jalgaon as remote nodal Centre for conducting Various online/offline courses in Nashik Region. Institute is working as nodal centre since August 2020. Maximum 10000 registrations seats are available for pan India. Each Nodal centre coordinator is provided with 25 seats in every course. Target participants for these courses are Undergraduate, Postgraduate Students and technical/scientific staff of central/state Government/faculty/researchers at university/institutes. These programs aim to create awareness and technological innovations among target stakeholders.

    In long term course of 15 weeks on Basics of Remote sensing, Geographic Information System and Global Navigation Satellite System offered during August 16 to November 26, 2021 Government Polytechnic Jalgaon has full 25 registrations form all over Maharashtra. This 15 week course is divided into 5 modules of short term, and each module can also have separate registration. Out of 5 modules 3 modules are completed ,4th module is going on and registrations are open for 5th module. These programs aim to

    This activity is conducted under abled coordinator Smt.Sarita P.Jain, Sr. Lecturer in Electronics,Mr.Kishor P.Akole,Head of Electronics and Telecommunication department motivated Smt. S.P. Jain to become nodal Centre coordinator and Dr.Parag M. Patil, Principal, Government Polytechnic, Jalgaon provided all support and guidance to become nodal centre.
    IIRS Trainings coducted details

    School Connect Program

    Higher and technical Education department plays an important role for overall development of the state in technical education, industry, society and economics. As a part of this role,a project or campaign has been taken up called ‘School Connect’.

    The main purpose of this campaign is to spread the importance of technical education among the students studying at class Xth at various schools in Maharashtra. To achieve the objective of ‘School Connect’ campaign Government Polytechnic, Jalgaon is selected. In this regard, Principal Government Polytechnic, Jalgaon had taken necessary steps to make this campaign successful at various schools in Jalgaon district.
    For more details visit the link given below.

    School Connect Model at Government Polytechnic, Jalgaon

    Canada India Industry Institute Linkage Project (CIIILP) 2005-06

    The CIIILP is a bilateral technical education project supported by the Government of Canada and India with funding from the Canadian International Development Agency ( CIDA ). The executing agency is the Association of Canadian Community Colleges ( ACCC ) which manages the projects in coordination with the Indian Ministry of Human Resource Development ( MHRD ) and the Directorate of Technical Education ( DTE ) of the four selected states.

    The Institute is selected as a replicate institute for CIIILP. SWOT Analysis was conducted and major thrust areas to be undertaken under this projects are identified as below

  • Institute Industry Linkage
  • Continuing Education Program
  • Women in Development
  • Staff Development
  • Management Information System
  • Improving Library Services
  • The beneficiaries of the project will be staff, students, industry and society.
  • EMD Cell

    Enterprenurship Management & Development cell is established in the year 2002 with functional guidenace and sportship from AICTE, New Delhi the center intends to orgnise the programmes beneficial to the development staff , students and industrial planned as well. EDP centre has , so far organised number of printful programmes in the year 2005 - 2006 and 2006 - 2007. This includes the enterprenurship awarness camp supported by Dept of Science & Tech, and MITCON,Jalgaon,the programme on interview techniques , seminar on energy convervation and Nuclear Power Plants.

    The centre has also orgnised PLC seminar supported by prolofic, company , Pune. Fourthcomming events include the following

    1 EDP Camp

    2 Personality Development Programme

    3 English communication Improvement Programme

    4 Interview Techniques

    To execute the proper functionising of EMD cell under the head of institute, the chief co-ordinator,departmental co-ordinator convenes launch new programme. To update and enhance knowledge of various disiplines students EMD orgnises expert lectures by industry faculty . EMD is a important channel that brings many good training and development programme for society and industry also