DTE Code :5008
MSBTE Code :0018/1567

Government Polytechnic, Jalgaon

शासकीय तंत्रनिकेतन, जळगांव

(An Institute of Government Of Maharashtra)
Since 1960

Applied Mechanics Department

HOD's Desk
hod Image

Dr. Santosh N. Shelke


  • Applied Mechanics Department (APM) objective is to provide the solution to wide range of Structural Engineering problems to fulfill the need of industry and academia. The APM department has well equipped laboratories namely Engineering Mechanics Laboratory, Strength of Materials Laboratory, Concrete Laboratory, Soil Mechanics Laboratory. This department is an integral part of Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. APM department has highly qualified and MPSC through selected faculty members who are quite interested in pursuing through major focus on experimental learning.
    APM department has a consistent reputation for years together in Internal Revenue Generation (IRG) through material testing and consultancy. Department is committed for students, who will be able to recognize the need for updating and lifelong learning.
Sr. No. Photo Name Designation Qualification Experience (In Years)
1 Dr.S.N.Shelke

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HOD Ph.D.(Mech.) 23
2 Shri. N. M. Andhale

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Lecturer B.E. 01, 02-Industry
Non-Teaching Staff
Sr. No. Photo Name Designation Qualification
1 Shri.S.T.Randhe Tech.Lab.Asst.
2 Shri.Sanjay More Hamal
Sr. No. Name of Lab Major Equipments
1 Applied Mechanics Lab Wheel and Differential Axle
Worm and Worm Wheel
Screw Jack
Weston Pulley Block
2 Concrete Technology Lab Cement Test Vibrator
Concrete Platform Vibrator
Vicat Apparatus with all needles
All Standerd Sieves
Flakiness Index and Elongation Index Apparatus
3 Geotechnical Engineering Lab Standard Proctor Test Apparatus
Standerd Sieves Set
Sieve Shaker Machine
Direct Shear Test Apparatus
Soil Extractor Machine
4 Material Testing Lab UTM
Impact Testing Machine
Abrasion Testing Machine
Torsion Testing Machine